Month: January 2019

The Legend of FU Chicken

I can’t believe I haven’t done my roast chicken yet. It is one of my favorite meals in the world. Right up there with steak, potatoes, and an arugula salad, if I ever am on death row. Anyhow. In our family my roast chicken… Continue Reading “The Legend of FU Chicken”

Beautiful Day

Well, a lot has changed in 24 hours, but it was so beautiful yesterday.

New Look and Metadata

So I upgraded my plan, and have new themes I can use. After fiddling with it for too dang long, I almost kept it the exact same, but I couldn’t get it to look right. I may change again if I tire of this… Continue Reading “New Look and Metadata”

Poor Rhoda

Rhoda is molting. And boy howdy is she looking scraggly.

Ode to Carhartt

It’s ridiculously cold out there, but by gum, the only cold places on my body were my face and my fingers.

Country Breakfast

I’ve probably posed about this before, but anyone who reads this, or has met me, knows that I love me some breakfast. Today we had a lovely slow Sunday morning.

Making Oilcloth

So we have a lot of things that need covering outside, and I’m a dork, so I’ve been making oilcloth so our stuff will match. So far, I’ve done a cover for the chicken pen, some windbreaks for our feeding station, and a banner.

KC Trip

I get migraines, and when I moved away from Kansas City, I kept my neurologist because she’s awesome. So we went up Sunday and came back Monday. I love Kansas City. It is so beautiful and such good restaurants. Sunday night we went to… Continue Reading “KC Trip”

What’s Next?

So yesterday was what did we do last year. Today is what are we doing this year?

Winter Update

So we’ve had lots of changes on the homestead since we moved in. What did we do last year?