Month: October 2021


After losing Daisy, we were down to three goats. Three! This shall not stand. So, off to the chicken auction we go.

Good Night, Sweet Princess

When we bought Daisy, we knew that she would have a tough life. But she’d have a better one with us than with a real farmer, who doesn’t have time for non-working animals. A few days ago she stopped making her way around the… Continue Reading “Good Night, Sweet Princess”

Jewelry Making

When we were in Canada, I bought this bracelet. It was several straps of leather with various charms. …And it broke before we got home.

Pimp My Goats

All right… research done for the moment. Let’s get ready to rumble. I spent an inordinate amount of time trying to google who had goats for stud and got nowhere. I resort to Facebook groups, where I hit the motherlode.

Charcuterie Building

So we went to a party on Saturday. With actual people. Shocking I know. It was out of town, and pot luck so i needed to have something that travels. So I decided on a charcuterie board.

Research Time

So now that we have healthy goats, we need to figure out our next steps.

My First Online Sale!

Woot! I made my first online sale. My friends Angie and Kate ordered a care package for a birthday present, and some honey for themselves. So if’n any of you want honey or honey products, I have them. Goad Farm.

Pretty, But Dumb

Clover is our prettiest goat in my opinion. Also our smallest. But she is definitely not the smartest goat in the herd.

Man, Work is Crazy

I usually don’t post about work here, but it has been a crazy few weeks. So I am a webinar coordinator, which more or less means I manage about 60 projects from planning to kickoff to delivery. I also moderate other online training, which… Continue Reading “Man, Work is Crazy”