Category: work

Want More of Me?

Just a little cross post, because some of the people I see on here are more education/learning & development folks. I’m doing more on education stuff, you can find it here: kglearning Venns and Flowcharts and Memes, OH MY! But also training stuff.

Blue Sky Day Result

Sometimes my blue sky days are completely out there, sometimes they are noodling on a particular issue. This time I was thinking about how to best do a new class for the fall. It is a course in business tax, which is hard and… Continue Reading “Blue Sky Day Result”

Blue Sky Day

Have to travel for work. My usual plan is to leave as early as possible to avoid delays. Alas, the odds are not in my favor. Flight late, getting me to Chicago after my next flight leaves. So I declare a blue sky day.… Continue Reading “Blue Sky Day”


I love planners. I’ve loved them since I was a teenager coveting the Filofax my sister carried. But planners rarely have exactly what I want. So I made my own.

Tips for a Successful Remote Job

Working remotely is a challenge. There’s a risk of out of sight, out of mind. What can you do to help make your remote job successful? Here are a few.

Remote Work Pros and Cons

As I said in my earlier post, I work remotely. I’ve been on all sides of the remote worker scheme. In my last job, I was an office worker who worked extensively with remote employees, a remote employee who worked with on-site workers, and… Continue Reading “Remote Work Pros and Cons”

Working Remotely

So one of the really great things in my world is that I work remotely. I have a very specific set of skills that appealed to an organization that was looking for an instructional designer a couple years ago.

Staying Accountable on Day Four

In Design Challenge 2, I have to write a journal with sufficient content to get 2 hours of CPE from NASBA. I calculated in a tool that I need 8,050 words, and 30 exercises in order to qualify for 2 hours of CPE.

Design Challenge Final

So here are links to all of the training pieces.

Design Challenge Part 7

I finished strong today. By yesterday, I’d finished all of the things but one. Today was the hard one. I’ve sort of used storyline but not much. Just enough to be able to confidently say I could learn it when I interviewed for my… Continue Reading “Design Challenge Part 7”