Category: Make

Johnny Appleseed of Maker Spaces

Last night we hosted the “Johnny Appleseed of Maker Spaces,” Joel Leonard. He is touring the country talking to maker spaces.

Maker Faire!

On Saturday we went to Maker Faire in KC. After lots of hemming and hawing, we drove and parked onsite. There was a cool art installation in the courtyard.

Getting Ready for MakerFaire!

Yesterday was a day. The good news is that the Husband got another job. He’s on contract withholding a big company. His contract was up on June 30. But he ran into another manager who offered him another contract in her department. Only my… Continue Reading “Getting Ready for MakerFaire!”

My latest project

One of the nice things about MakeICT is that it has a lovely cutting table. It makes it a whole lot easier to cut out patterns and piece together fabric. I decided that I wanted some cool summer dresses to wear around the house.… Continue Reading “My latest project”

Maker Monday and Table 21

Yesterday was an orientation for MakeICT. I am not a full member, just a guest of the Husband, so we decided to rectify that. In order to be a member, you have to attend the orientation, take a tour, and then over the course… Continue Reading “Maker Monday and Table 21”

Ceramics Progress

We’ve started going to MakeICT about twice a week since the beginning of the new year. The husband has done tormach and laser cutter stuff, wood shop and ceramics. I’ve done sewing and ceramics. I’m still not very good at ceramics, but I’m getting… Continue Reading “Ceramics Progress”

Finished products!

So I have my finished products… at least my first couple. A little bowl in green, and day markers for the egg skelter in cobalt. We are working on the solution for stamping letters in clay, but we’re getting there.

On Failure…

One of my favorite cliches is that it’s only failure if you don’t learn anything. So I’ve had a LOT of non-failures at ceramics lately.

Halloween Costumes

So I love Halloween. Like, a lot. I have had many really cool ass Halloween costumes through the years: The allegorical figures of Sex, Drugs, and Rock and Roll, The Axis of Evil, The Divine Comedy, The Poe Toaster and his offering, Masque of… Continue Reading “Halloween Costumes”

3D printer

The husband’s birthday present came on Friday, and he spent yesterday setting it up .